Faced with a lack of financial resources, this Indian association, which, despite everything, still achieved incredible feats on behalf of all these animals, Janine Vogler promised on her return to collect regular donations to allow them to continue their relentless fight. The association, the Swiss Friends of Hope Shelters, was born. For several decades, donations helped to eradicate rabies in the Jaipur region, a metropolis of 4.5 million inhabitants. To date, it is the only Indian city to have achieved this feat. Over the years, the association created in the 1980s by Janine Vogler ran out of steam due to the lack of volunteers and members renewing, eventually disappearing from the Swiss association landscape.
The world of animal rescue associations is vast. It is the encounters with past and present stakeholders in the field that make it a rich and unparalleled source of inspiration. Several of us have experienced this type of encounter with Mrs. Vogler in recent years. Listening to her journey and the considerable work done for the animals, it seemed essential that we should pick up the torch and dedicate our energy to it.
After several months of consultations and hard work, the « Max & Chipy » association was born. This young organisation retains the DNA of Janine Vogler’s association by providing financial support to animal shelters worldwide through both current and new methods (calls for projects, ambassadors, labels, etc.).
Max & Chipy
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While this international aspect is a major focus for our organisation, we wanted to add a more local aspect based on mutual aid and solidarity towards pets belonging to vulnerable people; our country is not spared from this sad reality. This is why we are aiming to set up a mobile veterinary clinic in the canton of Geneva (initially) to be closer to these animals and their owners, who are often very removed from veterinary care. Composed of three founding members and a volunteer development officer, our organisation already boasts several dozen active members.
You can add your support to our organisation by joining us!